Sunday, May 1, 2011


I don't know, i can't really find a reason as why should i write again, lately. But here i am, writing again, guess i've found a reason. The thing is, without the existence of this blog a long while ago, i'd never have a chance to get to know some of my friends, good friends, boys and girls. Pretty acceptable reason for me to keep writing eh!

And also because of this blog, there was this girl, a good girl; cute, cool, brilliant, bright, sweet, adorable, and comot. It's a blessing to have someone as sweet as this girl as a good friend, especially for an unpleasant-to-society-looking boy like me. I appreciate it, like so much. I'd love to write more about this girl but i think i'll have to pass, somebody's girl after all.

Right now, is her birthday. I believe you know who you are, right?

So Girl, Happy Birthday to you!(Mind this entry's title) Dah jadi budak besar awak sekarang kan? Eleh, awak tetap kecik je tapi! Hehe :P Anyway, may you have a prosperous and magnificent years ahead. All the best with your study and life. Do take a good care of yourself. Do forgive me if i ever offended you in any way. Claim your present later when you're here :P

Cheers girl! And Good Day!

IVD :)